The First Rule For a Great Day: Own The Morning Your morning routine can make or break your day

Photo: Jenny Ueberberg/Unsplash

The alarm goes off, and the day begins.

You stumble out of bed, bleary-eyed and barely awake.

As the morning gears up, your mind is racing.

You need to check the weather, get dressed for work, grab breakfast, and then head out the door.

It’s hard to find time for everything you need to do in the morning.

The morning can be a hectic time as we’re trying to make all of our normal routines fit into just a few short hours before going to work, or wherever else we need to be.

But if we make it a priority to start our days off right with some simple rituals, we’ll set ourselves up for a great day.

One of such habits is getting our high-value tasks done before noon.

Your most precious and productive hours are the first fours hours — it’s the time we are focused and full of energy.

It pays to block off time for your most important work in the morning.
I do all my writing in the morning.

I feel more refreshed and alert in the morning, so I’ve scheduled to write my Medium posts before noon.


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