Ranbir Kapoor has become the second actor after Shah Rukh Khan to score a global opening of Rs 100 crore, and this has happened on a non-holiday with an A-rated film. Details
The Ranbir Kapoor-led Animal has set the box office on fire in the Indian and International markets as estimates indicate a global opening in the vicinity of Rs 120 crore. The Sandeep Reddy Vanga directorial has clocked the biggest opening day to date for an A-rated feature film, that too in a clash scenario with a run-time of 3 hours and 21 minutes. The gangster drama starring Ranbir Kapoor is also the second biggest opener of all time after the Shah Rukh Khan-led Jawan, which clocked Rs 126 crore on the first day, however, the Atlee directorial didn’t have any US premieres and this one is inclusive of the previews.
Ranbir Kapoor scores big with a Rs 100 crore global start
With a solo release, Animal was poised to take the #1 opening of all time not just in India but also in the international markets leading itself to the top spot on the worldwide opening chart. The film has surpassed all expectations and has become a rage at the box office among the cine-going audience. The collections are of course boasted by the Telugu diaspora, who came in for the film due to the Sandeep Reddy Vanga factor. It’s certainly the biggest start ever for an A-Rated film in history of Indian Cinema and this record shall stand tall for years to come by.
Animal has clocked Rs 76 crore (Rs 64 crore net) as per estimates in India, whereas the international markets have collected USD 5.5 million (Rs 46 crore) as per the trajectory of collections in sample sets received. This includes USD 1.2 million (Rs 10 crore) from the premiere shows. Ranbir Kapoor has become the second actor after Shah Rukh Khan to score a global opening of Rs 100 crore, and this has happened on a non-holiday with an A-rated film. Animal is also the third from the Hindi Film industry after Pathaan and Jawan to clock an opening day in the North of Rs 100 crore.
With Animal, Ranbir Kapoor has done the unthinkable and raised the standard for every actor in the Hindi Film Industry. He has marched much ahead of his contemporaries and will now compete with the genuine superstars of Indian Cinema. The stakes are now higher than ever before and event films will arrive with a set of pre-release expectations on the number front. The initial talk in the audience is also mixed, tilted towards the positive side, which is always a good thing for an event film as such talk often spikes curiosity among the audience to check out the content by themselves.