Why Japan’s 7-Eleven is on a rival retailer’s shopping list

7-Eleven is the world’s biggest convenience store chain

When the owner of 7-Eleven announced this week that it had received a buyout offer from a Canadian rival it triggered shockwaves in Japan.

A Japanese company of this size has never been bought by a foreign firm.

Historically, companies from Japan were more likely to buy overseas businesses.

7-Eleven is the world’s biggest convenience store chain, with 85,000 outlets across 20 countries and territories.

And it’s been especially successful at selling itself as an option for a quick and cheap yet tasty meal, and in places where there is already an abundance of that, such as Japan and Thailand.

“We have more stores than McDonald’s or Starbucks,” the chief executive of Seven & i Holdings, Ryuichi Isaka, told BBC News before the firm received the buyout offer.

Around a quarter of those 85,000 shops are in Japan, while there are roughly 10,000 in the US.

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