US: Congressman Shri Thanedar launches Caucus to protect the interests of Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains

Indian-American Congressman Shri Thanedar on Friday launched the formation of a new Congressional Caucus aimed at protecting the interests of Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains living in United States.

The Caucus aims at addressing cultural misunderstandings and promoting interfaith dialogue and harmony. It supports initiatives to promote Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and Jain Americans’ well-being, education and empowerment.

The newly formed Caucus has bipartisan support from both, Republicans and Democrats, and more than 27 US lawmakers have supported it.

Addressing the event in Washington DC, Thanedar said, “I am profoundly honoured to stand before you at this pivotal juncture. We are not merely congregating to initiate another caucus, we are assembling to pioneer a movement, one that strives for understanding, inclusion, and affirmative policy actions. A movement that says every faith, every culture, and every community has a place in America, the land of free and the home of the brave”.

“My name is Shri Thanedar and I am a proof of America’s diversity in Congress,” he added.

The US Congressman further said that the launch of the Caucus is a commitment to stand against religious discrimination, and cultivate a nation where diversity is not just “tolerated, but celebrated”.

“I am an immigrant of this country, born in Belgam, Karnataka, India. My parents worked hard to provide for my siblings and me. Such an honour for me to serve my constituents Detroit and Michigan’s 13th Congressional district in US Congress,” Thanedar said.

He added, “Today is significant for many reasons. To many of you, the launch of the Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and Jain American Congressional Caucus may seem like a formal procedure, but let me assure you, it is so much more. It is a statement of commitment, a commitment to stand against religious discrimination, to propel the wheels of inclusion, and to cultivate a nation where diversity is not just tolerated, but celebrated.”

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Pope, quoting Buddha, urges religious dialogue to fight fundamentalism

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2023

Calling himself one of the “humble heirs” of ancient schools of wisdom and quoting the Buddha, Pope Francis on Sunday urged all religions to live in harmony and shun ideological fundamentalism that foments violence.

Francis was speaking at an inter-religious meeting in the Mongolian capital and sharing the stage in an theatre with a dozen other religious representatives – the type of gathering that Francis’ conservative critics have assailed in the past.

The primary purpose of the pope’s visit to Mongolia is to meet the country’s tiny Catholic community, at 1,450 members one of the world’s smallest. He is due to say a Mass for them later on Sunday.

Mongolia borders with China and the pope has also used trip to send an apparent message to Beijing, which has difficult relations with the Vatican, that governments have nothing to fear from the Catholic Church because it has no political agenda.

Since he started the trip, Francis has praised religious freedom in Mongolia, which was severely repressed while the country was in the Soviet Union’s sphere of influence – a fact mentioned by one of the Buddhist leaders who addressed him.

“Religions are called to offer the world this harmony, which technological progress alone cannot bestow,” Francis said after listening to addresses from leaders representing Mongolian Buddhists, Muslims, Evangelicals, Jews, Orthodox, Mormans, Hindus, Shintos, Bahais, and Shamans.


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