Siblings reunite after 18 years as sister spots brother’s broken tooth in Insta reel

After 18 years of separation, a woman in Kanpur reunited with her lost brother when she recognised his chipped tooth in an Instagram reel, leading to an emotional homecoming.

Bal Govind with sister Rajkumari after the reunion. (Photo: India Today)

In a heart-warming turn of events, a sister in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur found her lost brother after 18 years through an Instagram reel after she spotted his broken tooth in the video.

Rajkumari, a resident of Hathipur village, had been scrolling through Instagram reels when a familiar face sent shivers down her spine. A young man featured in a reel from Jaipur had a chipped tooth – the same one her brother, Bal Govind, had since childhood.

Eighteen years ago, Bal Govind had left for a job in Mumbai from their village of Inayatpur in Fatehpur but never returned. After reaching Mumbai, he left his friends and started a job at a different place. He had initially kept in touch with his friends, but gradually all contact ceased. All his friends returned to their village, but Bal Govind continued in Mumbai.

His life took an unexpected turn when he decided to board a train back home when he fell ill. The train took him to Jaipur instead of Kanpur. The tired and disoriented Bal Govind met a man at the railway station, who got him a job at a factory as his health improved.

Gradually, his condition improved and he began building a life in Jaipur. He married a girl named Ishwar Devi and they had two children. A whole lot had changed, but his broken tooth remained the same.

While building a new life, he also discovered a passion for creating Instagram reels, showcasing the sights of Jaipur. One of these reels found its way to Rajkumari’s feed, reigniting a long-dormant hope.

Driven by the chipped tooth and a growing sense of recognition, Rajkumari tracked down Govind’s contact through Instagram. Initial hesitation on his part melted away as they talked about each other’s childhood memories and details that confirmed their bond.

In an emotional phone call, Rajkumari pleaded with her brother to return home. Bal Govind readily accepted.


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