Party All Night! Top 10 Travel Hotspots That Make Sleeping Impossible

(Credit: Marti Bug Catcher/Shutterstock)

Who doesn’t love going to a fun-filled city with plenty to see and do on vacation? While that might be fun during the day, a new study finds it’s a lot less exciting when you finally try to get some rest! From the neon-lit streets of Hong Kong to the pulsating nightlife of Las Vegas, travelers seeking peaceful slumber may want to pack some extra earplugs before visiting several cities around the world.

The study, conducted by Onebed, evaluated popular tourist destinations based on five key factors: average noise levels, negative hotel reviews focused on sleep quality, air quality, tourist numbers, and how long local nightclubs stay open at night. The results paint a vivid picture of cities where the phrase “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” might feel way too literal.

Topping the list is Hong Kong, earning the dubious honor of being the most sleep-disruptive destination worldwide. The city’s cacophony of sounds reaches an average of 91.4 decibels, rivaling the noise level of a lawnmower! Have you ever tried to sleep while listening to a lawnmower all night?

Perhaps more telling is that a staggering 73% of local hotel reviews complain about poor sleep quality. With nightclubs pumping until 5 a.m., it’s clear why Hong Kong might leave tourists more bleary-eyed than bright-eyed.

Hot on Hong Kong’s heels is Cancun, Mexico. This popular beach destination cranks up the volume to an ear-splitting 103 decibels on average – louder than a rock concert. It’s no wonder that 66% of hotel reviews note that vacationers had trouble sleeping. The city’s reputation for wild nightlife, with clubs closing at 4 a.m., cements its position as a challenging spot for those seeking restful nights.

Rounding out the top three is none other than Las Vegas, Nevada. True to its reputation as a city that never sleeps, Vegas boasts noise levels of 94 decibels and welcomes over 40 million tourists annually — the highest total in the top 10. With 57% of reviews noting sleep issues and a nightlife that rages until 4 a.m., it’s clear that what happens in Vegas might just be a lot of tossing and turning.


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