Own a manual car? Here’s what you should not do with it: Key tips

Driving a manual transmission-equipped car can be a joy and gratifying experience for someone who loves old-school driving charm, but it requires a certain level of attention and skill. To ensure safety and prolong the vehicle’s life, the driver must avoid certain habits that affect the car and its critical systems in the long run. However, if one can avoid these, then a manual car can deliver the pure joy of driving.

While driving a manual car, many drivers rest their hands on the gear shifter or ride the clutch by putting their foot on the clutch pedal. Some drivers shift gears without fully engaging the clutch pedal, while some downshift to brake. Some drivers take pleasure in over-revving a stationary car. These habits may seem negligible in the short run but affect the vehicle’s critical systems in the long run.

Here are some key tips about how one shouldn’t drive a manual car.

Don’t rest your hand on gear shifter

Resting your hand on the gear shifter can cause unnecessary wear and tear on the transmission system and result in costly repairs. You should only touch the gear shifter when shifting gears. Keep both hands on the steering wheel and avoid resting the hand on the gear stick. In a manual car, wear and tear of gearboxes are not prominent but should be avoided at any cost.

Don’t keep your foot on clutch pedal

Always avoid riding the clutch. Keeping your foot on the clutch pedal while driving can cause excessive wear and tear on the clutch and minimise its lifespan. Such a habit can also cause the clutch to overheat and wear out faster. While shifting gears, fully release the clutch pedal after shifting is done and rest your foot on the dead pedal or on the car floor.

Never shift gears without fully engaging clutch

Driving a manual car is more difficult than an automatic car and requires practice and precision to get used to it. Many drivers shift gears without fully engaging the clutch, which is wrong. Doing so results in a grinding noise from the transmission, which could result in damage to the gearbox leading to costly repairs. Always make sure to engage the clutch pedal fully before shifting gears fully.

Source: https://auto.hindustantimes.com/how-to/own-a-manual-car-heres-what-you-should-not-do-with-it-key-tips-41683439255096.html

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