Gunfire at New York subway station kills 1, injures 5. Police say teen dispute sparked shooting

An argument between two groups of teenagers riding the New York City subway exploded into deadly violence Monday when shooting started after the train’s doors opened at a station, killing a man and wounding five others.

The gunfire broke out on an elevated train platform in the Bronx at around 4:30 p.m., a time when stations throughout the city are filled with kids coming home from school and many workers are beginning their evening commute.

A 34-year-old man was killed, police said. The wounded included a 14-year-old girl, 15-year-old boy and three adults, ages 28, 29 and 71. Some of the victims were believed to have been involved in the dispute and others were bystanders waiting for the train, police said, describing four of the injuries as serious.

“We don’t believe this was a random shooting. We do not believe that this was an individual indiscriminately firing into a train or a train station,” NYPD’s chief of transit, Michael Kemper, said at a news conference.

A hunt was on for at least one shooter, who fled the scene. Police didn’t rule out the possibility that more than one person fired shots.

The gunfire sent passengers rushing off the train while people on the platform scrambled for safety.

“The train was coming and there were two kids yelling,” witness Efrain Feliciano, 61, told the Daily News. “There were at least six shots.”

“I saw sparkles as the bullets hit the wall,” he added “A woman was holding a child screaming.”


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