Can A Herd Of 170 Bison Offset CO2 Emission By 2 Million Cars? Study Claims So

These species (European bison) evolved with grassland and forest ecosystems for millions of years. (Photo Credits: X/@EarthDotCom)

The European bison, a massive herbivore, may be an effective weapon against climate change, according to research conducted by scholars researching the species in Romania. According to a new model created by scientists at the Yale School of the Environment, a herd of just 170 bison might store enough carbon dioxide (CO2) to remove almost two million cars off the road for a whole year.

The study, which has not yet undergone peer review, emphasises how crucial wildlife protection is to the upkeep of ecosystem health. Through their natural behaviours, animals such as bison contribute to the uptake and storage of CO2 in the soil, which is taken into account by the model.

“Bison influences grassland and forest ecosystems by grazing grasslands evenly, recycling nutrients to fertilise the soil and all of its life, dispersing seeds to enrich the ecosystem, and compacting the soil to prevent stored carbon from being released,” said the lead author of the report, Professor Oswald Schmitz of Yale as quoted by The Guardian.

He further explained that these species (European bison) evolved with grassland and forest ecosystems for millions of years, and their removal, especially where grasslands have been dug up, has resulted in the release of massive amounts of carbon. Balance may be restored by restoring these habitats, and “rewilded” bison are among the climate heroes who can make this happen, Professor Schmitz added.

European bison disappeared from Romania almost 200 years ago, but in 2014, Rewilding Europe, a non-profit organisation and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Romania returned the animal to the southern Carpathian highlands.

Since then, over 100 bison have been given new habitats in the Tarcu mountains, rising to more than 170 animals today, one of the largest free-roaming populations in Europe. In addition, the landscape can support 350 to 450 bison.


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