Brawl in Italian parliament leaves MP injured after Five Star and League confrontation

One of the politicians involved was hurt and rushed away in a wheelchair. The scuffle was an “insult” to millions of Italians, according to one columnist.

The brawl erupted during a debate on a local government bill. Pic: AP

A brawl erupted in Italy’s parliament on Wednesday, resulting in one MP having to leave in a wheelchair after he was allegedly kicked and punched.

Footage from Italy’s Chamber of Deputies, its lower house of parliament, shows Leonardo Donno, an MP from the populist Five Star movement, walking towards a minister amid a heated debate about a local government bill intended to give Italy’s regions greater powers.

Mr Donno – who opposes the bill – thrust an Italian flag in the face of the minister, Roberto Calderoli, a member of the right-wing League party.

Two clerks tried to intervene to restore order but they were almost immediately surrounded by at least a dozen parliamentarians.

“The blows to my sternum took my breath away, I collapsed as I struggled to breathe. I was scared,” Mr Donno was quoted as saying by the Italian newspaper Il Corriere della Sera while describing how he suffered “kicks and punches”.

He added doctors checked his heart seven to eight times following the alleged assault.

Former prime minister Giuseppe Conte condemned the “violence” and blamed Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s government.

He said: “Hands off us, hands off our flag.”

The League, a party in coalition with Ms Meloni’s Brothers of Italy, denied the attack and blamed Mr Donno for sparking the brawl.


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