Biden holds razor-thin lead over Trump in both head-to-head and five-way race: poll

President Biden is leading former President Donald Trump by a razor-thin margin in the 2024 White House race, according to a new poll.

The Fox News survey, released Wednesday, shows the incumbent leading the ex-commander in chief 50%-48% in a head-to-head rematch of the 2020 election.

Biden, 81, maintains his edge over Trump, 78, in a hypothetical five-way race as well, leading by a 1-point margin, 43% to 42%.

Biden saw a surge in support from independent voters in June, the Fox News survey found.
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The results mark a 3-point shift in support for Biden from last month’s head-to-head poll, when Trump was ahead by 1 point, according to the Fox News survey.

With third-party candidates included, the president benefited from a 4-point swing from May, when Trump topped him by 3 points.

Biden’s uptick in the polls coincides with positive views of the economy hitting record-high marks under his presidency.

Thirty-two percent of registered voters said the economy is in “excellent” or “good” shape, topping last month’s previous Biden-era high of 30%.

The new national poll shows Trump’s marks on immigration and the economy slipping from last month.

However, the majority of Americans (68%) felt the economy is doing “not so good” or “poor” under Biden.

The president also saw a surge in support from independent voters, who favor him over Trump by 9 points.

In May, the presumptive Republican nominee for president held a 2-point advantage over Biden with independents.

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Trump’s advantage over Biden on two top issues – immigration and the economy – fell sharply from last month.

On immigration, voters trust Trump more than Biden by 9 points, but the former president enjoyed a 15-point trust advantage in May.

On the economy, Trump holds a 5-point edge over Biden, which is down from his 13-point lead last month.

“There is not a lot of movement in this poll since May, but it is enough to make this a welcome poll for Biden,” Democratic pollster Chris Anderson, who conducts Fox News surveys with Republican pollster Daron Shaw, said in a statement.


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