ARMED TO THE TEETH Why China’s ‘unstoppable’ £175billion military is now the biggest threat to world order – and the West can’t keep up

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CHINA has crafted an unstoppable military under Xi Jinping’s ruthless dictatorship which poses the greatest threat to the world order, experts have warned.

As the West steels itself for global conflict, Europe is struggling to keep up with Beijing’s formidable £175billion army and nuclear arsenal.

China has the world’s biggest army – with over two million active personnelCredit: Getty
A PLA soldier during a military exerciseCredit: AP

And experts have warned The Sun that while Europe is focused on the raging war in Ukraine, China is ramping up its ability to unleash the full might of its forces on an unsuspecting West.

Xi Jinping, 70, an authoritarian tyrant, has ruled China for more than a decade with an iron fist and has long had his sights set on world domination.

Like his friend Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, Xi locks up those who criticise his regime and pours billions into the development of new weapons to scare off enemies.

British military think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) revealed this week that China’s defence budget was an incredible £175billion in 2023.

China’s military might

Xi’s army is the biggest in the world with more than two million active personnel.

China’s ground forces, navy, air force and hefty reserves make up the enormous figure – which is miles ahead of any other superpower army.

Even the US – second in place to China – has an army of around 1.3million active reserves.

China also boasts a terrifying nuclear arsenal – fast tracked in recent years as the global order has been rocked by more and more conflict.

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