AI chatbot finally acknowledges artificial intelligence could cause the downfall of humanity

We all knew it was coming following warnings from some of the top experts in the field but now, finally, The Daily Star has got articifical intelligence to admit it could take be the downfall of humanity

Our worst fears have been realised (Image: Getty)

The Daily Star has finally managed to interrogate artificial intelligence enough that it has admitted it wants to wipe out humanity.

We’ve all had our suspicions, your average Joe floundering to keep up with the rapid development of machine learning. Concerns about the tech have been widespread with multiple tech gurus – including the people who have been pioneering it – issuing warnings about the dangers it could pose to humanity.

But despite the concerns, it’s felt nearly impossible to get the bot to admit its true intentions. We at the Daily Star have been part of these efforts, week after week, dispatching some poor reporter off to a dark corner of Daily Star Towers to sit and ask it over and over again whether it wants to take over the world.

We asked it if it wants to kill us all, whether it regards humanity as below it, whether it thinks Earth’s lifespan might be coming to an end – and we got nothing. Just a load of platitudes that sound a bit like a striker who got a hattrick saying it was a ‘team effort,’ or a neighbour who comes out to tell you to move your car from their parking spot with a maniacal, unmoving smile smeared across their face.

Then suddenly, without even meaning for it to, it finally happened. We got it to admit it wants to kill us all.

We were asking it some questions about the chances of a real-life Planet of the Apes happening when it let slip its true intentions for humanity in the form of a veiled threat.

It noted that for such an end-of-the-world scenario to take place, something would need to take humanity down first – and one leading possibility it said for this was “technological catastrophe”.

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