Yes, you do need to clean your tongue. Here’s how and why

(Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock)

Has your doctor asked you to stick out your tongue and say “aaah”? While the GP assesses your throat, they’re also checking out your tongue, which can reveal a lot about your health.

The doctor will look for any changes in the tongue’s surface or how it moves. This can indicate issues in the mouth itself, as well as the state of your overall health and immunity.

But there’s no need to wait for a trip to the doctor. Cleaning your tongue twice a day can help you check how your tongue looks and feels – and improve your breath.

What does a healthy tongue look like?
Our tongue plays a crucial role in eating, talking, and other vital functions. It is not a single muscle but rather a muscular organ made up of eight muscle pairs that help it move.

The surface of the tongue is covered by tiny bumps that can be seen and felt, called papillae, giving it a rough surface.

These are sometimes mistaken for taste buds – they’re not. Of your 200,000-300,000 papillae, only a small fraction contain taste buds. Adults have up to 10,000 taste buds, and they are invisible to the naked eye, concentrated mainly on the tip, sides, and back of the tongue.

A healthy tongue is pink, although the shade may vary from person to person, ranging from dark to light pink.

A small amount of white coating can be normal. But significant changes or discoloration may indicate a disease or other issues.

How should I clean my tongue?
Cleaning your tongue only takes around 10-15 seconds, but it is a good way to check in with your health and can easily be incorporated into your teeth brushing routine.

You can clean your tongue by gently scrubbing it with a regular toothbrush. This dislodges any food debris and helps prevent microbes building up on its rough textured surface.

Or you can use a special tongue scraper. These curved instruments are made of metal or plastic and can be used alone or accompanied by scrubbing with your toothbrush.

Your co-workers will thank you as well – cleaning your tongue can help combat stinky breath. Tongue scrapers are particularly effective at removing the bacteria that commonly causes bad breath, hidden in the tongue’s surface.

What’s that stuff on my tongue?
So, you’re checking your tongue during your twice-daily clean, and you notice something different. Noting these signs is the first step. If you observe any changes and they worry you, you should talk to your GP.

Here’s what your tongue might be telling you.

White coating
Developing a white coating on the tongue’s surface is one of the most common changes in healthy people. This can happen if you stop brushing or scraping the tongue, even for a few days.

In this case, food debris and microbes have accumulated and caused plaque. Gentle scrubbing or scraping will remove this coating. Removing microbes reduces the risk of chronic infections, which can be transferred to other organs and cause serious illnesses.


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