Women experience greater mental agility during menstruation

For female athletes, the impact of the menstrual cycle on physical performance has been a topic of much discussion. But what about the mental side of the game? A groundbreaking new study suggests that certain cognitive abilities, particularly those related to spatial awareness and anticipation, may indeed ebb and flow with a woman’s cycle.

(Photo 102762325 | Black Teen Brain © Denisismagilov | Dreamstime.com)

The findings, in a nutshell
Researchers from University College London tested nearly 400 participants on a battery of online cognitive tasks designed to measure reaction times, attention, visuospatial functions (like 3D mental rotation), and timing anticipation. The study, published in Neuropsychologia, included men, women on hormonal contraception, and naturally cycling women.

Fascinatingly, the naturally cycling women exhibited better overall cognitive performance during menstruation compared to any other phase of their cycle. This held true even though these women reported poorer mood and more physical symptoms during their period. In contrast, performance dipped during the late follicular phase (just before ovulation) and the luteal phase (after ovulation).

“What is surprising is that the participant’s performance was better when they were on their period, which challenges what women, and perhaps society more generally, assume about their abilities at this particular time of the month,” says Dr. Flaminia Ronca, first author of the study from UCL, in a university release.

“I hope that this will provide the basis for positive conversations between coaches and athletes about perceptions and performance: how we feel doesn’t always reflect how we perform.”

This study provides compelling preliminary evidence that sport-relevant cognitive skills may indeed fluctuate across the menstrual cycle, with a surprising boost during menstruation itself. If confirmed in future studies, this could have implications for understanding injury risk and optimizing mental training in female athletes.

Importantly, there was a striking mismatch between women’s perceptions and their actual performance. Many felt their thinking was impaired during their period when, in fact, it was enhanced. This points to the power of negative expectations and the importance of educating athletes about their unique physiology.

Source: https://studyfinds.org/womens-brains-show-more-mental-agility-during-their-periods/

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