Marathi actress Urmila Kothare was involved in a major car accident in Mumbai’s Kandivali suburb in the wee hours of Saturday, which claimed the life of a Metro worker. Urmila is the wife of actor Adinath Kothare, and the daughter-in-law of renowned Marathi actor, Mahesh Kothare. She has worked in several Marathi films, including Duniyadari, Shubha Mangal Saavadhan, and others.
Marathi actress Urmila Kothare was involved in a major car accident in Mumbai’s Kandivali suburb in the wee hours of Saturday, which claimed the life of a Metro worker. The incident happened around 12:45 am on Saturday when the driver of the actress’ car lost control and ran over two workers at a Metro construction site.
According to police, Urmila was returning to her home in Thane after dropping her friend at Jogeshwari. It was then that her driver, identified as Gajanan Pal, lost control of the vehicle near the Poisar Metro station in Kandivali East, and ran over two Metro construction workers present at the spot.
While one worker died on the spot, another was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Urmila and her driver too sustained injuries, however, the impact was low due to the airbags in their car.
Who is Urmila Kothare?