Meta-owned WhatsApp is reportedly planning to add a new feature that allows users to attach photos to polls. By adding the ability to attach photos to poll options, voters will have a visual representation of each choice, making it easier to understand and evaluate the options before casting their vote.
This feature is helpful when text isn’t enough, and visuals can add clarity. According to the report from WABetaInfo, a website that tracks WhatsApp, Channel owners will be able to add a photo to each poll option. For example, channels about design, travel, or food can use images for poll choices, making it easier for followers to decide
“It appears WhatsApp is continuing to enhance the polls feature by developing new options to further boost engagement. Thanks to the latest WhatsApp beta for Android update, which is available on the Google Play Store, we discovered that WhatsApp is working on a feature to assign photos to poll options in channels,” the report said.
The report also revealed that if you add a photo to one poll option, you’ll need to add photos to all the other options too. This keeps the poll consistent and ensures every choice is shown equally. It also avoids confusion by presenting all options in the same format, making it easier for voters to compare them.
Initially, the ability to assign photos to poll options will be exclusive to channels, likely to enable WhatsApp to refine the feature within a controlled environment before expanding it to group chats and individual conversations in the future.