Mumbai Police sources are now saying that the intruder who attacked Saif Ali Khan in his Bandra home late Wednesday night may have conducted a recce of Mannat, the residence of Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan, just days earlier. According to the sources, on January 14, a person of the same height and build as the person caught on CCTV in the Saif stabbing case, reportedly tried to look into Shah Rukh Khan’s residence using a 6-8 feet long iron ladder. The ladder was found placed behind a retreat house next to Mannat, the sources claim.
Police suspect that the individual conducting the recce could be the same person captured on CCTV footage at Saif’s apartment. “The person’s height and build closely resemble the suspect seen in footage obtained from Saif’s flat,” a police official said, according to an India Today report.
Investigators also have reason to suspect that more than one person could be behind this. “The iron ladder placed at Shah Rukh Khan’s residence is believed to be too heavy for a single person to handle, suggesting the involvement of at least two to three people,” sources stated.
While Shah Rukh Khan has not filed a complaint, police are treating the matter with urgency. They are also investigating whether the ladder was stolen.