Walking 9,000 steps a day may reduce risk of death by 60%: Study

According to a recent study, the number of daily steps covered in a day and at what pace you are walking matters the most for long life. 2,700 daily steps can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases to 11 per cent.

2,700 daily steps can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases (Image: Unsplash)

A secret to a long life is always said to be linked with indulging in regular physical activities. A sedentary lifestyle is the leading cause of the most serious diseases in the world. Physical activities just not include exercising but regular walking also plays an important role. According to a recent study, the number of daily steps covered in a day and at what pace you are walking matters the most.

A report published by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology revealed that walking faster may have better benefits to health, regardless of the number of steps taken every day. The study has been conducted by researchers from the Netherlands, Spain, and the United States. It provided new insights on the importance of daily step counts which is beneficial to cardiovascular health and longevity.

As per the study’s analysis, over 111,000 people who participated in the study made significant revelations which could change the way we think about physical activities.

They found:

25,00 daily steps reduce the risk of death

If you are planning to be healthy and improve your health, taking 2,500 daily steps is an important milestone. The common goal should be 2,000 steps

Source: https://www.news9live.com/health/walking-9000-steps-a-day-may-reduce-risk-of-death-by-60-study-2334692

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