India’s CCPA investigates Ola and Uber over alleged price disparities between iOS and Android users. Uber denies claims, stating ride prices aren’t based on phone models. The issue gained traction after users reported differing fares, prompting Union Minister Pralhad Joshi to ensure “zero tolerance for consumer exploitation”. However both the companies denied the allegations.
Following allegations against Ola and Uber’s price differences in iOS and Android phone models, both the companies denied the claims saying that the cab service aggregator does not set the ride prices based on the customer’s phone model. On Thursday, India’s consumer affairs minister Pralhad Joshi posted on X that the Central Consumer Protection Agency (CCPA) had issued notices to the firms regarding the alleged price differences or “differential pricing.”
“We do not set prices based on a rider’s phone manufacturer. We look forward to working with the Central Consumer Protection Authority to clear up any misunderstanding,” said an Uber spokesperson in a Reuters report.
The accusations started when multiple users found the disparity in prices charged for Apple users and Android users for the same distance. Users claimed that prices displayed on iPhones were higher than the prices displayed on Android phones.
A Delhi-based entrepreneur shared on X that the two ride-hailing apps were charging different fares for the same routes. The post garnered attention from multiple users online with others having a similar experience to share, further legitimising the claims.