Sharing a video on his Instagram, Dosanjh’s team proudly showed off the singer’s improv skills where he used the phrase – ‘Dooja kamm Coke de aa datt pattne’, instead of the original – ‘Dooja kamm bottlaan de datt pattne’, from the song ‘Pehle Lalkare’.
Whether he sings about alcohol or not, Diljit Dosanjh manages to win his fan’s hearts.
This time, the singer has wooed his fans and all of social media after he replaced the word ‘alcohol’ with ‘coke’ while performing his songs.
This change comes after the singer-actor received a notice ahead of his Hyderabad concert directing him to avoid songs related to alcohol, drugs and violence.
Sharing a video on his Instagram, Dosanjh’s team proudly showed off the singer’s improv skills where he used the phrase – ‘Dooja kamm Coke de aa datt pattne’, instead of the original – ‘Dooja kamm bottlaan de datt pattne’, from the song Pehle Lalkare.
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Reacting to their brand name being used in the song, Coca Cola India commented: “Chautha kaam twade gaane japne!”( Fourth task is worshipping your songs).
Social media users hailed the singer for making these last minute changes as they predicted coke sales to skyrocket after the concert.
Diljit abstained from signing any alcohol-themed tracks and modified lyrics of Lemonade and 5 Taara at the Hyderabad concert.
The “daaru” (alcohol) in Lemonade became ‘Coke’, whereas “theka” (alcohol store) in 5 Taara was replaced by ‘hotel’.
Diljit also took a swipe at the notice he got from the Telangana government during his tour in Gujarat. The singer told the Ahmedabad audience: “There’s some good news. I didn’t get any notice today. There’s more good news: I’ll not sing a single song on alcohol today either. Ask me why? Because Gujarat is a dry state.”