TICK TOCK World’s first nuclear clock created to ‘revolutionize how we measure time’ with big changes to GPS, internet and banking

A HIGH-powered nuclear device could revolutionize the way we keep track of time.

For the first time, scientists have demonstrated key elements of a nuclear clock – and the development could stoke faster internet and more reliable geolocation services.

Scientists have assembled all the necessary components of a nuclear clock for the first time – and this development could change the way we keep timeCredit: Getty

Research published today in Nature shows how scientists are making strides towards revolutionizing timekeeping.

We keep time with atomic clocks, which tune laser light to frequencies that trigger electrons to jump between energy levels.

Atoms are the particles that compose matter, described as “basic building blocks.” A nuclear clock uses signals from the core of an atom, called the nucleus.

The hypothetical device would rely on energy jumps within the atom’s central region, where particles called protons and neutrons are highly concentrated.

The research team used an ultraviolet laser to measure the frequency of an energy jump in a nucleus embedded in a solid crystal.

The term “frequency” describes how frequently an event occurs – usually denoted by the number of times a wave passes a set point.

The scientists utilized another tool called an optical frequency comb to count the number of ultraviolet wave cycles contributing to the energy jump.

While the team fell short of building a complete nuclear clock, they have all the essential technology – and their findings alone have massive implications for life as we know it.

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