“People flock to TikTok for catchy yet imperfect videos,” explains Jessica Elliott, writer and business consultant. “The raw, behind-the-scenes content pulls viewers into a story, even if only for a short time. Brand pages aren’t perfectly curated with pages of perfectly posed products and people. Instead, TikTok is all about authenticity, and that is something that small businesses can take advantage of.”

2. Host experiential events.

Part of pulling back the curtain is inviting people to experience your brand firsthand. Experiential events are a great way to do this. When it comes to brand touchpoints, events—whether in person, digital, or a combination of the two—can build trust and familiarity and improve brand recognition.

Events are especially impactful if you can work with your team to identify why you’re creating the event and what your strategic objectives are. The planning phase of an event can be just as valuable as the event itself: It gives team members the chance to get on the same wavelength, connect with brand values and strategies, and feel a sense of ownership. How do you know which event type to choose? Think about what would be the most engaging.

3. Turn setbacks into chances to improve stakeholders’ lives.

Sometimes your brand touchpoints might not go according to plan, but that’s okay. “Don’t catastrophize setbacks or failures,” writes Allie Mendoza, CEO and founder of Biz She Loves LLC. “They don’t necessarily mean the end of your business. Think of them as a delay in achievement due to things beyond your control. Failure doesn’t have to be permanent unless you don’t try again. So, keep moving. Keep trying.”

This might feel like a challenge sometimes, but the beauty of two-way marketing is that it opens dialogue between your brand, customers, and employees. If something isn’t working, you’ll have a chance to change things. For instance, when United Airlines first saw survey results from consumers exposing the negative associations people had with air travel, they decided to use the insights to relate rather than alienate. They conceived a brand campaign called “Rising,” which promoted a brand vision of improvement and accountability.