Struggling With Inflammation? Try These 3-Nutritionist Approved Tips For Happy Gut

Inflammation is extremely common in modern times due to processed and fried food consumption. These tips can help reduce inflammation in your body and help you achieve overall well-being!

Inflammation is uncomfortable and should be tackled with care.Photo Credit: iStock

Has it ever happened to you that after indulging in sugary sweets, fried food, restaurant meals or even just a heavy dinner, you wake up in the morning with a puffy face and body? Then, my friend, that’s inflammation showing up in your body. For the unversed, inflammation is a normal part of the body’s response to infection or injury, according to the National Cancer Institute. Fried and processed foods are high in trans fats and sugar that trigger inflammation in our bodies. We can experience inflammation at any time in our bodies, but the good news is that what you eat can make a huge difference!

How, you wonder? With some easy tips. If you are someone who struggles with inflammation frequently, then this article is for you. Holistic health coach Shalini Sudhakar (@consciouslivingwithshalini) shared three easy tips to tackle inflammation in our body.

Watch the full video below:

Here Are 3 Tips To Help Reduce Inflammation In Your Body

1. Vegetable Juice

If you are struggling with inflammation, then start your day with a glass of vegetable juice. It is because the fibre present in the veggies has the most effective anti-inflammatory properties which you need to the inflammation faster. However, it is important not to strain the juice and keep the fibres to stimulate bowel movement. Also, don’t forget to add ginger to ease up the digestion

Vegetables You Should Consume To Reduce Inflammation In The Body

Holistic health coach Shalini Sudhakar suggested consuming vegetable juice first thing in the morning. But which vegetables should you pick for this juice? Here are 5 vegetables you should choose that might help reduce inflammation in your body.

1. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers, also known as capsicums, are packed with vitamin A, vitamin C and antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation in your body and provide protection against degenerative diseases.

2. Carrots

Sweet and crunchy, carrots are rich in vitamin A, which is known for its anti-inflammatory qualities that help reduce inflammation in the body. Carrots can also help strengthen your immune system and keep the flu at bay.

3. Beets

Beautifully reddish-purple in colour, beets contain a compound called betalains that is known to lower inflammation in the body. Add beets to your vegetable juice not just for nutrition but also for a beautifully coloured detox drink.

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene – a compound that is known to lower inflammation and the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Plus, tomatoes are easily available so you can incorporate these in your diet daily.

5. Onions

Onions have a compound present in them called quercetin that has anti-inflammatory properties. What’s more? Onions are packed with vitamin C so incorporating these in your diet and juice can support your immune system.


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