Stop Feeling Inadequate With Where You Are in Life

Feeling Inadequate

Do you ever feel you’re not accomplishing everything that you want to get done? Maybe you wake up every day feeling inadequate and like you should be further along in your life.

These feelings of inadequacy can happen at any age and stage of life. For instance, on my 16th birthday, I ran into my bedroom, closed the door, and cried for an hour.

Why? I thought I had turned 16 and had accomplished nothing in my life.

Seriously. True story.

I remember it so vividly. In retrospect, that notion seemed ridiculous.

I was only 16. I was very young. Then again, similar thoughts ran across my mind when I turned 18, 21, and so forth.

With any milestone birthday, it is natural to think about your accomplishments or lack of accomplishments.

Have you ever felt inadequate with where you are in life?
Even the most accomplished people can fall into this trap of feeling like a failure. Maybe not everyone sits in a corner and cries about it.

However, the feeling is common. Goals, and the desire to accomplish great things in life, are not bad things on their own.

Mostly, that’s a positive thing. Our world would not be where it is today if we didn’t have people who achieved great things.

However, if we become consumed by feelings of failure and not accomplishing enough regularly, this can lead to unhealthy thoughts.

Through experience and an attitude change, I have been able to keep those negative feelings at bay. It doesn’t mean every day I wake up feeling like a sensational success, but I can move forward with my life and goals in a healthy manner.

Here are some helpful tips to help you overcome those feelings of inadequacy.

1. Make a list of things you have accomplished

We often forget our successes and probably have done more than we realize. A visual reminder of these accomplishments can do wonders for one’s confidence.

Write down the small accomplishments.

Including things, you might take for granted, like graduating from high school or owning a car. Write it on a piece of paper and post it on your wall.

When you see all the things you have actually done, you won’t ever say, “I have accomplished nothing.”

Another great way to reflect on your life is by writing your bio. When I feel like I’m not accomplishing enough, I will go to my website and read my bio again.

It refreshes my memory that there have been noteworthy achievements in my life and career.

2. Comparing yourself to others will contribute to feeling inadequate

I always tie those feelings of not accomplishing enough to measuring yourself against others.

There will always be someone more successful than you, who makes more money than you, who is better looking than you, and so on and so forth.

Letting envy rear its ugly head is unhealthy and detracts from your own accomplishments. Remember that your journey in life is unique and that other people’s success should not define you.

You can spend a lifetime trying to top someone else’s accomplishments and never take the time to appreciate your own.

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