Actor Parineeti Chopra has showered praises on her husband-AAP MP Raghav Chadha a month after he spoke in the Parliament about the overpriced food and beverages at airports. After his speech, the Civil Aviation Ministry launched the Udaan Yatri Cafe. Now, taking to X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday, Parineeti called Raghav Chadha “a true leader” for “fixing a real problem”. Her tweet comes amid the approaching Assembly elections in Delhi on February 5.
Parineeti Chopra lauds Raghav Chaddha
On X, Parineeti shared an old edited video of Raghav speaking about “food affordability” in Parliament’s Winter Session. In the clip, Raghav also called the Udaan Yatri Cafe step a win of the people. Parineeti tweeted, “So so proud of you, my @raghav_chadha, for being a true leader for the people, and fixing a real problem!”
She added, “Overpriced food at airports is an issue that resonates with so many Indians (including us), and your voice has brought a real change starting with the #UdaanYatriCafe. Yayy for cheaper food and drinks at airports! (Heart eyes emoji) Proud of you, my Ragaii! (Sparkles emoji).”
So so proud of you, my @raghav_chadha, for being a true leader for the people, and fixing a real problem!
Overpriced food at airports is an issue that resonates with so many Indians (including us), and your voice has brought a real change starting with the #UdaanYatriCafe. Yayy…
— Parineeti Chopra (@ParineetiChopra) January 28, 2025
What Raghav had said about high prices of food at airports
In December last year, Raghav criticised the exorbitant prices of water, tea and snacks at airports. In his Parliamentary speech, he highlighted the plight of passengers forced to pay inflated prices for food and beverages at airports. “A water bottle costs ₹100, and tea is priced at ₹200-250. Can’t the government establish affordable canteens at airports?” he had questioned.
About Udaan Yatri Cafe
Later, the government introduced the Udaan Yatri Cafe initiative, starting with Kolkata’s Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport, where affordable food and beverages will now be made available. The cafe would offer essential items like water bottles, tea, coffee, and snacks at reasonable prices.
About Parineeti and Raghav
Parineeti and Raghav tied the knot on September 24, 2023 in Udaipur, Rajasthan in the presence of close friends and family members. It was attended by several well-known faces of the entertainment industry and politicians.