The principal of a private school in Dhanbad, Jharkhand, is facing serious allegations after reportedly instructing 80 class 10 girls to remove their shirts for writing messages on them during a ‘pen day’ celebration. Following the incident, the administration has launched an inquiry, according to officials. The students were allegedly made to return home in their blazers, with no shirts underneath, a move that has sparked widespread outrage.
The incident took place at a reputed school in Digwadih under the Jorapokhar police station area on Friday. Dhanbad Deputy Commissioner (DC) Madhvi Mishra confirmed the event.
According to the parents of the girls, the class 10 students, after finishing their examinations, were celebrating ‘pen day’ by writing messages on each other’s shirts. However, when the principal objected to the celebration, she reportedly ordered the girls to remove their shirts. Despite the students apologizing, they were all sent home shirtless, with only their blazers on.
“Several guardians lodged complaints against the principal. We also talked to some of the victim girls. The administration has taken the matter seriously. A committee has been set up to investigate the matter,” Mishra said.