NASA alerts of a building-sized asteroid approaching Earth at high speed; check the next 3 asteroids hurtling towards us

Three large asteroids are on a trajectory that will bring them near Earth between August 19 and August 27.

(Representative Image – Canva)

In the coming days, Earth will have a front-row seat to a spectacular cosmic event as three sizable asteroids zip past our planet. According to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), these space travellers are set to make their closest approaches between August 19 and August 27. Despite their impressive sizes, none of these asteroids pose a threat to Earth.

The first of the trio, asteroid 2024 JV33, is a colossal 620 feet across—roughly the height of a high-rise building. Scheduled to make its closest approach on August 19, it will swing by at a distance of 2,850,000 miles. Despite this proximity, NASA assures us there’s no cause for alarm.

Next up, on August 20, asteroid 2024 PQ5 will make its appearance. Measuring about 140 feet in diameter, this smaller asteroid will pass Earth from a distance of 3,210,000 miles. Like JV33, it is deemed harmless.

Finally, asteroid 2020 RL, which is roughly the size of a jet at 110 feet wide, is set to glide past on August 27. It will come within 2,910,000 miles of Earth, but, as with its companions, it poses no danger.


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