Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Tuesday alleged his family was being targeted and that a false case was filed against him and his family, in connection with the Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA) case. The Chief Minister’s statement came hours after he, in an X post, announced that his wife, Parvathi, has returned the 14 compensatory sites that were given to her in the Mysuru upmarket area.
“My family is being targeted,” Siddaramaiah told reporters today.
“Let the investigations in the case continue. On what grounds has the Enforcement Directorate (ED) filed a case of money laundering,” he asked, adding, “A false case was filed against me and my family.”
Siddaramaiah also said he was “hurt by the allegations”, even as his wife has returned the land to MUDA.
Addressing questions on his resignation, the Chief Minister said, “Why should I resign when the Opposition does not have proof against me.”
Earlier today, Siddaramaiah said his wife Parvathi has returned the 14 compensatory sites that were given to her in the Mysuru upmarket area. Siddaramaiah also alleged that his family was dragged into the controversy by members of the Opposition parties. Later, MUDA said it would accept the plots.
“My wife Parvati has returned the lands that were given in the form of compensation for the land that was seized without carrying out Muda land acquisition in Mysore. The people of the state also know that the Opposition parties created a false complaint and dragged my family into the controversy to create political hatred against me,” a rough translation of Siddaramaiah’s X post in English suggested.
“My stand was to fight without bowing down to this injustice. But my wife, who is upset with the political conspiracy going on against me, has taken a decision to return these plots, which has surprised me too,” he wrote.