In an alarming incident, the audience at the iconic Gaiety Galaxy theatre in Bandra, Mumbai, fell sick during the screening of Pushpa 2 on Thursday after an unidentified person sprayed a mysterious substance during the interval. The people inside the theatre experienced cough, itchy throat and vomiting post the film’s interval, and the show was halted for 15-20 minutes.
In an alarming incident, the audience at the iconic Gaiety Galaxy theatre in Bandra, Mumbai, fell sick during the screening of Pushpa 2 on Thursday after an unidentified person sprayed a mysterious substance during the interval. The Mumbai Police has now launched an investigation in the case.
The incident happened during the night show of Pushpa 2 at Gaiety Galaxy theatre, which is a favourite amongst the locals. According to ANI, the audience claimed that they experienced coughing, vomiting and discomfort during the second half of the film after someone allegedly sprayed some toxic substance inside the theatre.
#WATCH | Mumbai, Maharashtra: Police investigate Bandra’s Galaxy theatre after the audience claimed that the screening of ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ was halted for 15-20 minutes after the interval after an unidentified person sprayed a substance causing coughing, throat irritation and…
— ANI (@ANI) December 5, 2024
The show was then halted for 15-20 minutes as people struggled inside, and the doors were opened to let the toxic gas out. It was only after the effect of the spray subsided that the film was resumed.
“We came out during the interval. After going back in, it seemed that someone had sprayed something causing coughing among the audience,” one of the viewers inside the theatre told ANI.
“As soon as we went back after the interval, we started coughing. We went to the bathroom and vomited. The smell stayed for 10-15 minutes. The smell faded away after the doors were opened. The movie resumed after that,” another audience member said.