Many people are feared dead following a stampede at the Maha Kumbh Mela on Wednesday. The incident occurred during the auspicious Mauni Amavasya Shahi Snan at Sangam. Confirming the development, Prayagraj Mela Pradhikaran OSD Akansha Rana said, “A stampede-like situation occurred at Sangam Nose after a barrier broke.” Rana also stated that some people were injured but assured that “nothing is serious.”
A video posted by news agency PTI showed an ambulance at the mela site. According to the latest reports from the BBC, security personnel have reached the scene of the stampede. As per the Uttar Pradesh government’s estimate, 10 crore people are expected to visit the Maha Kumbh Mela today. This year, a rare celestial alignment called ‘Triveni Yog’ is occurring after 144 years, further amplifying the spiritual significance of the day.
Along with other security officials, teams of NDRF and NSG have reached the confluence, or Triveni, and are urging people to leave the area after taking a holy dip. The latest visuals posted by news agency ANI show injured devotees being taken to the Maha Kumbh hospital located in Sector 2.
#WATCH | #MahaKumbh2025 | Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh: People gather outside the hospital set up in the Kumbh Kshetra in MahaKumbh Sector 2 after a stampede was reported earlier today
— ANI (@ANI) January 28, 2025