Actress turned politician Kangana Ranaut took to her Instagram stories recently to appreciate women from Himachal Pradesh. She called them hard-working and gave a shout-out to her fellow Himachal actresses like Preity Zinta, Yami Gautam, and Pratibha Ranta.
Kangana shared a picture of herself with Preity, Yami, and Pratibha Ratna and wrote, ‘”#peopleofhimachal When I go to Himachal and see our women equally or better looking than us work tirelessly in the fields no insta no reels raising cattle and making the ends meet. I feel they can definitely do with some hype. #himachaligenes #himachaliwomen.”
Recently, Kangana also celebrated Christmas at her home in Himachal. She shared a snippet of her celebration on social media and revealed that she decided to mark the festive occasion with ‘Gajar Ka Halwa’. In the bunch of photos, she was seen enjoying the dessert while sitting on a comfy couch at her home. “Merry Christmas everyone, how are you all celebrating? I made gajar ka halwa for myself,” she wrote.
On the work front, Kangana Ranaut is eyeing the release of her much-awaited film Emergency. The political drama, written, directed, and co-produced by Kangana, was earlier scheduled to be released on September 6 but was postponed due to the failure to get a clearance from the CBFC.