Veteran actor Mithun Chakraborty is currently making headlines with his latest comments about the possibility of portraying the spiritual leader Osho Rajneesh in an upcoming biopic. Yes, you read it right! During a recent media interaction, Mithun addressed rumours surrounding his resemblance to Osho, sparking widespread speculation that he might play the mystic in a film.
Mithun Chakraborty on playing Osho
It all started during a photo shoot for The Kashmir Files, during which a film editor pointed out that Mithun resembled Osho. The actor revealed, “You have said such a big thing. What should I tell you now? The chief editor of this film, I had taken some photos during The Kashmir Files. I was sitting in a particular mood, with the sky and everything around me, and he remarked that I looked like Bhagwan Rajneesh. I have also been offered to play Osho Rajneesh. But nothing is confirmed yet because it will take around five to six years for the film to be made. It is a perfect choice, and Vivek (Agnihotri) wants me to play the role. Another person also approached me regarding this project. I may take it up, but when you say yes, you have to consider everything as it is a very big responsibility. Osho is still a living God for his followers. It is not that easy, but people say I resemble him. He was a great man, and I have the utmost respect for him.”
Aside from this potential project, Mithun dismissed any plans of taking on romantic roles in the future. He explained that he has evolved with time and now prefers roles that align with his age and experience, referring to himself as a “film master” rather than a conventional hero.