Gujarat Teen Ends Pregnancy At Home, Throws Foetus Near Drain; Minor Lover Detained

Soon after the matter came to light, the foetus, a girl’s, was rushed to a hospital but the doctors declared it dead.

The girl terminated the pregnancy at home. (Representative image)

In a shocking incident in Gujarat’s Surat, a minor girl, who was impregnated by her 17-year-old social media friend, terminated her pregnancy and and threw the foetus near a drain to get rid of it. This incident is said to have taken place on January 9, according to a report in NDTV.

The foetus was later recovered from near a drain when carrion-eating birds were hovering over it. Lying among garbage, the foetus was spotted by a group of children who then raised an alarm upon realising that there’s a body. Subsequently, the police were called in.

Soon after the matter came to light, the foetus, a girl’s, was rushed to a hospital but the doctors declared it dead.

This prompted police to launch an investigation into the matter. The search led them to the doorstep of a 16-year-old girl.

NDTV, citing Deputy Commissioner of Police Zone 4 Vijay Singh Gurjar, reported that initially the girl’s family denied any wrongdoings. The girl was later taken for medical examination by police where a doctor confirmed that she had been pregnant.

It was learnt that the girl had attended school till January 3.

During probe it was revealed that the girl had met the 17-year-old boy on Instagram and they became friends. The boy, a resident Pandesara area in Surat, had physical relations with the girl due to which the girl became pregnant, NDTV, quoting police, reported.

The police said that upon learning about the minor’s pregnancy, the boy fled to his home in Uttar Pradesh and then to Mumbai, from where he sent her packet of tablets to end the pregnancy.

The girl then consumed two tablets and had a miscarriage at home and later, she threw the foetus away, the girl told the police.

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