From droplets to DNA: The surprising role of rain in creating the first cells

(Photo by Miguel Alcântara from Unsplash)

In the beginning, there was water. Now, scientists believe that water — specifically rain — may have been instrumental in creating the first cells on Earth. A new study reveals how raindrops could have stabilized early protocells, setting the stage for life as we know it.

Conducted by a team of scientists from the University of Chicago and the University of Houston, the study uncovers a potential solution to one of the most perplexing mysteries in the origin of life: how did the first cells form their protective walls?

For decades, researchers have been captivated by coacervate droplets – naturally occurring compartments of complex molecules like proteins, lipids, and RNA. These droplets, which behave like tiny beads of oil in water, have long been considered potential precursors to the first cells. However, there was a significant problem with this theory.

These protocells were too good at exchanging their contents, swapping RNA and other molecules so rapidly that any unique mutations or characteristics would be lost within minutes. This hyper-communication posed a major roadblock to evolution, as there could be no competition or differentiation between protocells.

“If molecules continually exchange between droplets or between cells, then all the cells after a short while will look alike, and there will be no evolution because you are ending up with identical clones,” explains Aman Agrawal, the lead author of the study and a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, in a media release.

The research team, which included Nobel Prize-winning biologist Jack Szostak, made a surprising discovery when they transferred these coacervate droplets into distilled water. The droplets developed what the researchers describe as a “tough skin” – a meshy wall that significantly slowed down the exchange of RNA between protocells. This simple act of transferring the droplets into pure water extended the timescale of RNA exchange from minutes to several days, providing enough time for mutations to occur and evolution to take place.

A new paper from the UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, University of Houston Chemical Engineering Department and Chicago Center for the Origins of Life suggests rainwater could have helped create a meshy wall around protocells 3.8 billion years ago, a critical step in the transition from tiny beads of RNA to every bacterium, plant, animal, and human that ever lived. (Credit: UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering / Peter Allen, Second Bay Studios)

The key lies in the most basic of weather phenomena: rain. When asked where distilled water could have come from in a prebiotic world, both Matthew Tirrell, Dean Emeritus of the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, and Jack Szostak independently arrived at the same answer: rain.

To test this theory, the team went beyond laboratory-grade distilled water. They collected actual rainwater from Houston and tested their protocells in it. The results held up, demonstrating that even in real-world conditions, the meshy walls could form around the protocells, creating the perfect environment for early evolution.

This stabilization, the researchers propose, occurs because the sudden exposure to pure water causes the formation of a kind of “skin” around each droplet. This skin is created by electrostatic interactions between molecules at the droplet’s surface. It’s as if each droplet develops a thin, flexible membrane that keeps it separate from its neighbors.

Fluorescence microscopy image of three coexisting populations of stable coacervate protocells. The protocells contain long single-stranded RNAs, labeled with green, red, and blue fluorescent dyes. The absence of any intermixing of colors suggests that the exchange of RNA between the stable protocells is restricted. (Credit: UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering / Aman Agrawal)

One of the most intriguing aspects of these stabilized droplets is their selective permeability. While small molecules and short RNA sequences (6-8 nucleotides long) could still pass through the droplets relatively quickly, longer RNA sequences (35 nucleotides or more) remained compartmentalized for days. This property is crucial because it allows for the retention of genetic material — a fundamental requirement for evolution — while still permitting the entry of smaller molecules that could serve as building blocks or energy sources.

The researchers also demonstrated that these stabilized protocells could perform simple chemical reactions. They created droplets containing different enzymes and showed that the droplets could exchange small molecules to carry out a two-step reaction, mimicking basic cellular metabolism.

The study, published in Science Advances, provides a plausible mechanism for how the first cells might have developed their distinctive boundaries, a critical step in the journey from simple molecular assemblies to the complex life forms we see today. It bridges a crucial gap in our understanding of how life could have evolved from a soup of organic molecules to organized, self-replicating entities capable of Darwinian evolution.

The implications of this research extend far beyond the realm of theoretical biology. By understanding the conditions that allowed for the emergence of cellular life, we gain insights that could inform fields ranging from medicine to artificial life.

While this research doesn’t definitively solve the mystery of life’s origins, it provides a compelling new piece of the puzzle. It demonstrates how relatively simple physical and chemical processes could have laid the groundwork for the emergence of cellular life, bridging the gap between non-living chemistry and the complex biological systems we see today.


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