Electric discovery! Scientists reveal why petting cats leads to static shock

Person petting a cat (Photo by Yerlin Matu on Unsplash)

You know that little zap you feel when you shuffle your feet across the carpet? Or the way your cat’s fur stands up after a good petting? Well, believe it or not, scientists have been puzzled by the mechanics behind these everyday static electricity phenomena for over 2,000 years. That is, until now.

Researchers at Northwestern University say they’ve finally cracked the case, uncovering the science behind static electricity in a new study published in the journal Nano Letters.

“For the first time, we are able to explain a mystery that nobody could before: why rubbing matters,” says Laurence Marks, the study’s lead author and a professor emeritus at Northwestern’s engineering school, in a media release.

The key, the researchers found, lies in the differing forces experienced by the front and back of a sliding object. This creates distinct electrical charges that end up generating that telltale current and static shock. It’s a simple yet elegant explanation that has evaded scientists for centuries. Now, with this new understanding, the researchers hope to find ways to better harness – or avoid – the power of static electricity from industrial applications to your everyday life.

The researchers used computational modeling to map out these charge dynamics in detail. They modeled a sliding contact between a rigid metal sphere and a semiconducting surface, calculating the flexoelectric polarization, electrostatic potentials, and bound charges that arise due to mechanical stresses. Their simulations showed that the tangential forces from sliding break the symmetry of these effects, generating a net current flow.

Crucially, the model only relies on parameters that have been independently measured or calculated in prior studies – no ad hoc assumptions were required. This allows the researchers to make predictions that align well with various triboelectric experiments reported in the literature.

For example, the model accurately captures the scaling of triboelectric current with factors like contact force, sliding speed, and contact area. It also provides reasonable quantitative matches to the small currents of around 100 femtoamps (a tenth of a billionth of an amp) observed in atomic force microscope experiments involving silicon and platinum.

“In 2019, we had the seed of what was going on. However, like all seeds, it needed time to grow,” Marks says. “Now, it has blossomed. We developed a new model that calculates electrical current. The values for the current for a range of different cases were in good agreement with experimental results.”

Researchers discovered different electrical charges build up on the front and back parts of a sliding object, creating a current of static electricity. This explains why petting fur or shuffling along a carpet can lead to a light zap. (Credit: Jordan Durzi)

The researchers note that their approach can be extended to other material systems beyond the semiconductor example they focused on, as long as the underlying physics of electromechanical coupling are present. This includes piezoelectric materials, where mechanical strain induces electric polarization.

They also highlight the potential for the model to guide the design of advanced triboelectric energy harvesting devices, which convert mechanical motion into electricity. By optimizing material properties and contact geometries to maximize the asymmetric charge distribution, these devices could become more efficient at generating usable power.

“Static electricity affects life in both simple and profound ways,” Marks concludes. “Charging grains with static electricity has a major influence on how coffee beans are ground and taste. The Earth would probably not be a planet without a key step in the clumping of particles that form planets, which occurs because of the static electricity generated by colliding grains. It’s amazing how much of our lives are touched by static electricity and how much of the universe depends on it.”

Source : https://studyfinds.org/why-petting-cats-static-shock/?nab=0

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