A 23-year-old Delhi resident was allegedly gang-raped near an isolated stretch in Ghaziabad’s Tronica City. The victim’s two friends were also allegedly beaten up for “getting too intimate by the road”, but were later left as they “belonged to the accused’s community”. The accused was caught after a gunfight with police.
According to a report in Times of India, Junaid, a resident of Khanpur, was arrested after a gunfight. He had fired at a police team after he was asked to stop near a forest area in his village. When the cops retaliated, he was hit in the leg.
The report stated that the incident occurred on Thursday when the Delhi resident, who works at a toy factory in Tronica City, accompanied her friend for a ride on her newly-bought scooter after their shift ended.
A man, believed to be the boyfriend of the 23-year-old’s friend, joined them a little later. While the couple went for a ride, the Delhi resident waited by the deserted road, scrolling through her phone screen.
Police said that Junaid and two other village youths first stopped the two friends who were riding the scooter at a distance. They accused the two of getting too intimate by the road and allegedly beat them up, the report stated.
According to the TOI report, after the attackers got to know that the two were from the same community as them, they allegedly turned their attention to the other woman waiting a few metres away.
“They ran towards me and caught me before I could understand anything. When I tried to resist and raise an alarm, they took me behind the bushes. The three took turns to rape me. I shouted, but no one came to my rescue,” the woman was quoted as saying in her complaint at Tronica City police station.
The miscreants fled after they saw a car coming towards them. The woman returned home with her friends and narrated her ordeal to her parents, the report stated.