A man threw suspicious liquid at former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal during his padyatra in Delhi’s Greater Kailash area. Atishi and Arvind Kejriwal accused the BJP of being behind the attack and also slammed Union Minister Amit Shah over deteriorating law and order situation in the national capital.
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and Delhi Chief Minister Atishi attacked Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) after liquid attack against AAP National Convener Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday. A man threw suspicious liquid at former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal during his padyatra in Delhi’s Greater Kailash area. Atishi and Arvind Kejriwal accused the BJP of being behind the attack and also slammed Union Minister Amit Shah over deteriorating law and order situation in the national capital.
AAP also alleged that the attacker is linked with BJP and Union Home Minister Amit Shah is behind the attack. Atishi also shared a pic on social media claiming that the attacker is a member of BJP and also shared his personal details on her official X account.
Atishi said, “The man who attacked Arvind Kejriwal today is a BJP goon.” She also shared the pic of his membership form or card in which it is mentioned that the victim’s name is Ashok Kumar Jha who is a resident of Delhi and also his contact number is mentioned in the pic.
Arvind Kejriwal attacked Amit Shah over the security scare and demanded that the Home Minister should stop crime in the national capital and not the opposition leaders. He took to his official social media account and said, “Amit Shah ji, what will happen if you stop me, stop crime from Delhi. Will crime in Delhi reduce if you stop me? Will open shoot-outs in Delhi stop if you stop me? Will the women of Delhi become safe? Will the businessmen of Delhi become safe?”