India’s largest Income Tax raid, lasting 10 days, targeted Odisha’s Boudh Distilleries Private Limited. Officials seized Rs 352 crore during the operation, which covered multiple divisions of the liquor manufacturing company
Income Tax raids have often hit headlines for various reasons from time to time. However, the largest raid in the country’s history involved an operation so extensive that officers resorted to manual counting after machines proved insufficient.
The country’s biggest Income Tax raid was conducted in Odisha which lasted for 10 days. Income Tax officials raided several divisions of the liquor manufacturing company, Boudh Distilleries Private Limited. Rs 352 crore was seized in this raid that lasted for 10 days.
The seriousness of this raid can be gauged from the fact that the Income Tax Department installed a machine with a scanning wheel during the raid to detect valuables buried underground. The Income Tax Department teams carried out this operation by raiding different locations.