Canada’s Trudeau strikes surprise deal to keep power until 2025

Canada’s ruling Liberal Party and opposition New Democratic Party (NDP) have reached a surprise agreement that aims to keep the minority government in power until 2025, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Tuesday.

Governments with a minority of seats in parliament, like the one Trudeau now leads, tend to last an average of about two years, but this rare written agreement could permit it to go the entire four-year term after last year’s election.

Jagmeet Singh, leader of Canada’s New Democratic Party, speaks about affordable housing during election campaign stop at Sinclair Park in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada August 26, 2021. REUTERS/Shannon VanRaes/File Photo

“What this means is that during this uncertain time, the government can function with predictability and stability, present and implement budgets, and get things done for Canadians,” Trudeau said.

After the election six months ago, New Democrat leader Jagmeet Singh ruled out a deal with the Liberals, saying he was willing to support Trudeau only on a case-by-case basis.

On Tuesday, the two parties published a list of priorities they had agreed upon.

The Liberals said they would back a national dental-care program for low-income Canadians and move forward on a national prescription-drug coverage program, both cornerstone campaign pledges for the NDP.

The Liberals and New Democrats also said they would develop a plan to phase out financing for the fossil fuel sector, starting in 2022.

Trudeau, who has been in power since 2015, will have more than three years to deliver on his main campaign promises, like fighting climate change or addressing a national housing shortage.


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