In a horrific incident, a Pitbull brutally attacked a stray dog and severely injured the innocent animal in Maharashtra’s Aurangabad. The incident was caught on camera and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that the Pitbull dog is mauling down the stray dog and the female owner of the dog is doing nothing to stop her pet. It seems she is letting her dog to attack and kill the stray dog. It is being claimed that the stray dog is a lactating mother with puppies.
Details About The Incident
The incident reportedly occurred in Chetananagar, Aurangabad and it was brought to light by a social media user on Instagram. The user claimed that a tragic pattern of cruelty toward stray dogs continues to unfold in the area, where a pitbull owned by a negligent pet owner attacked and killed a stray dog. Witnesses report that this is not an isolated incident. Many stray dogs have already lost their lives due to the owner’s irresponsible behaviour and apparent support for these attacks.
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The video shows that a pitbull is mauling down a stray dog brutally. It can be seen in the video that the dog has ferociously attacked and severely injured the stray dog in the presence of her owner. The owner is seen standing near the pitbull while it is attacking the innocent animal and the woman did not even tried to stop the pitbull from injuring the lactating mother stray dog.
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However, she is seen yelling at a man who tried to save the stray dog by throwing stone at the attacking animal. The woman turns to the man and asks him not to hit her dog with the stone.
Social Media Post
The video of the incident was shared by “@streetdogsofbombay” on Instagram with the caption, “No mercy for Stray life. Justice Needed for Stray Dogs in Chetananagar, Aurangabad. In Chetananagar, Aurangabad, a pitbull has once again attacked innocent stray dogs, all because the owner refuses to take responsibility. This isn’t the first time—many strays have already lost their lives because of this owner’s careless attitude. Despite multiple FIRs in the past, nothing has changed. The owner continues to get away due to political support.”
“How many more lives need to be lost before action is taken? These poor strays deserve love and safety, not fear and pain. This is not just neglect—it’s cruelty. We need your help to spread the word.”
“Please share this post and raise your voice to ensure the owner is held accountable. Let’s work together to stop this cruelty and protect innocent animals. They can’t speak, but we can speak for them.”
The social media post also informed, “One of our volunteers, in coordination with PETA India and the founder of APLA Aurangabad, is currently at the police station working to get an FIR registered.”
It further said, “The stray dog that was attacked is a lactating mother with puppies. She is currently in critical condition and has been admitted to the hospital.”
Repeated Attacks, No Accountability
It is being claimed in the viral post that despite multiple First Information Reports (FIRs) filed against the owner in the past, no concrete action has been taken against her. It is also being claimed that woman has political backing due to which action is not being taken against her.
A Call for Justice
The most recent attack claimed the life of a stray dog on the spot. This is not just a case of negligence, it is outright cruelty. These innocent animals, who already endure a difficult life on the streets, deserve compassion and protection, not fear and suffering.