AGONISING DEATH Face of 3,500-year-old ‘screaming mummy’ revealed as reconstruction shows chilling expression of Egyptian on death bed

Experts believe the mummified woman died in agonising pain – hence her screaming expression

THE chilling face of a mummy that died screaming in agony can be seen for the first time in 3,500 years after experts rebuilt her likeness.

After a recent study revealed a painful death was to blame for the mummy’s contorted expression, experts decided to construct her living face.

The mysterious screaming mummy has been reconstructed using techCredit: Credit: Cicero Moraes/Pen News
Numerous versions have been created of her faceCredit: Cicero Moraes/Pen News
Image of the Egyptian mummy who was buried in ‘immense pain’Credit: Sahar Saleem via Pen News

The mummy, dubbed “The Screaming Woman”, was found in 1935 in Deir Elbahari, Egypt, in the family tomb of a royal architect.

Brazilian graphics expert Cicero Moraes said he created various versions of the mummy’s face using different techniques to create the incredible final product.

These include using advanced CT scan data from living people and tracing structures in profile like the nose and lateral face – leading to the creation of the incredible images.

In one version, the mummy’s eyes are closed and the image is in greyscale to avoid any speculations or judgements on her skin or eye colour.

Another is supposed to be more subjective, showing the woman as she might have appeared in life – with the images being in colour and the woman wearing the wig she was buried in.

And a third captures her terrifying scream, revealing how she may have looked when she was first buried in agonising pain.

Sahar Saleem, a researcher from Cairo University, said her scream was a result of cadaveric spasm — a rare form of muscular stiffening caused by violent deaths under extreme stress.

She explained: “This mummified Screaming Woman is a true ‘time capsule’ of the way that she died, revealing some of the secrets of mummifications.”

The cause of her painful death, however, remains unclear.

Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) on the remains, the team found that the body was buried with juniper and frankincense – products of nature found in plants and trees.

These were costly – and were imported from the Eastern Mediterranean and Southern Arabia back then.

The mummy also wore a wig made of fibres from the date palm, which were treated with quartz, magnetite, and albite crystals.

This was probably to stiffen the locks and turn them black which was a colour thought to represent youth by ancient Egyptians.

It also suggested that the woman was from a wealthy clan.

Dr Saleem continued: “The excavation notes mentioned she was wearing two rings with jasper scarabs set on gold and silver respectively.

“The material used for these amulets and jewellery denote the person’s wealth and socio-economic status.”

Despite her wealth, the mummy was not identified by name, but her place of burial offers a clue.

She was mummified in the family tomb of Senmut, a royal architect who was thought to be a lover of a great Pharaoh.

Dr Saleem said: “Senmut was a very powerful stateman at the time of Hatshepsut and the teacher of her daughter, Princess Nefrure.

“The family burial contained Senmut’s mother, Hat Nufer, and his father, Ra Mose.

“Although no name was recorded on the screaming mummy, she was likely a close family member of Senmut to share his parents’ eternal resting place.”

Scientists believe she was roughly 48 years old when she died, on the basis of the joint between her two pelvic bones, which smoothens with age.

Other medical checks including CT scans, electron microscopy, and x-ray diffraction analysis found the woman also suffered from mild arthritis of the spine.

Several teeth were missing too – likely lost before death since there were signs of bone resorption, which occurs when a tooth comes out and the socket is left to heal.

The Screaming Woman’s remains are now kept by the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, while her coffin and rings are kept by the Metropolitan Museum in New York, which excavated her tomb in 1935.

Mr Moraes added: “I decided to do my part by putting a face to the discovery.”


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