Adventure is ageless: Older adults taking on new challenges live longer

I was taking a group class at an art studio – using a pottery wheel. The instructor moved among the learners, offering help. However, she passed by me one, two, three times, even though I’d raised my hand for help. I suddenly realized why. I’m older. It took a while to click. Not because I’m in cognitive decline, but I just don’t think of myself as old(er?). In American culture, women often become invisible as they get older. Society’s messages become toxic.

An older woman with hutzpah and masterful research skills grew tired of feeling invisible. Author Caroline Paul discovered, through her research, that one of the best things older women can do for themselves to age with high spirits is to have outdoor adventures. Fortunately, the same principles apply to men.

Adventure is defined by the adventurer. For some people, it’s white-water rafting, and for others, it’s birdwatching. However, all adventures share characteristics: a sense of anticipation, the physical vitality of the outdoors, and the adrenaline rush of accomplishment.

Nature is healing. Studies show that trees release chemicals called phytoncides that support the immune system. Birdsong calms brainwaves. Fractals – complex patterns found in clouds, ocean waves, and coastlines – relax the brain. People perform tasks better after a 15 to 45-minute walk outdoors.

Mindset matters. The way people perceive their own aging is predictive of how well they age. A pessimistic point of view about aging puts you at greater risk of cardiovascular disease and dementia. When you look at aging with anticipation and you’re excited about what her future may hold, it can add an additional seven years to your life.

(Credit: anatoliy_gleb/Shutterstock)

A study published in JAMA Network Open in 2022 assessed 14,000 adults over the age of 50. Those who were optimistic about their futures had a 43% lower risk of dying during the next four years than people who had a pessimistic outlook on aging.

Outdoor adventure can transform a pessimistic outlook on aging into excitement about living. There’s a group of women in San Diego who call themselves the Wave Chasers. They boogie board together. The oldest member is 99. They find that doing what is unexpected for them is exhilarating, and they feel empowered about the future.

Our culture claims that we lose the ability to learn as we get older. You’ll even hear older people say of themselves, “I’m too old to learn that.” The brain, however, has plasticity. It can lay down new and different neural pathways to learn and problem-solve. An older brain can be more innovative than its younger self – circumventing what may have become problem areas. It’s vital that we keep learning throughout life.


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