Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday attacked the Aam Aadmi Party’s government in Delhi at the BJP’s rally in the national capital’s Rohini, saying ‘AAP-da’ wasted 10 years of the people of Delhi. Referring to water shortages, water-logging and air pollution, PM Modi said that the AAP government turned every season in Delhi into an emergency.
“The entire Delhi is proud of Bharat Mandapam, YashoBhoomi, Kartavya Path…I feel sad that the ‘AAP-da’ people have wasted 10 years of the people of Delhi. There are several places in Delhi where cabs and autos refuse to come because of the long traffic jams…Today, a big newspaper has revealed the expenditure on ‘Sheesh Mahal’ based on a CAG report. When the people of Delhi were fighting with Covid, they were focused on building ‘Sheesh Mahal’. They are not bothered about the people of Delhi,” he was quoted as saying by ANI.
“AAPda (calamity) turned every season in Delhi into an emergency, with water shortages, waterlogging, pollution,” he added.
PM Modi further said that AAP doesn’t have a vision for the development of Delhi. He said all development works in the national capital were done by the central government
“This ‘AAP-da’ government does not have a vision for the development of the people of Delhi. Even today, all the development works in Delhi are done by the central government. Delhi Metro has reached every corner of Delhi, this work has been done by the BJP. This Namo train service, highways, flyovers, everything is done by the Central government. Under PM Awas Yojana, the central government gives money to the poor to build houses,” he added.
PM Modi appealed to the people of Delhi to elect BJP in the upcoming assembly election.
“I want to appeal to the people of Delhi to give an opportunity to the BJP for the bright future of Delhi. It is the BJP which can develop Delhi. In the last 10 years, the government that Delhi has seen is no less than ‘AAP-da’. Now, we can only hear ‘AAP-da nahi sahenge, badal ke rahenge’ in Delhi. Delhi wants development and the people of Delhi have trust in the BJP,” he added.
Earlier this week, reacting to PM’s ‘AAP-da’ attack, AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal said that the Aam Aadmi Party did several things in the last 10 years, whereas the BJP-led central government “did not do anything that PM Modi could mention in his speech”.