Many of the Indian prisoners overseas were in jail for petty reasons – like fishermen, who unknowingly ventured into the territorial waters of a neighbouring nation, or villagers who inadvertently crossed an unmarked border post, or travellers who accidentally overstayed their visa limit.
Going to jail is a nightmarish thought for most people, but being imprisoned in another country can be a hellish experience. Like nationals of many other countries, thousands of Indians too, have been languishing in prisons overseas – some for a few years, some for decades. Their voices and appeals unheard because of the lack of proximity to their home country.
After being elected the first time in 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi wanted this situation to be tackled on priority by the Ministry of External Affairs. At the time, the number of Indians in jails abroad had well exceeded 10,000. Many of those prisoners were in jail for petty reasons – like fishermen, who unknowingly ventured into the territorial waters of a neighbouring nation, or villagers who inadvertently crossed an unmarked border post, or travellers who accidentally overstayed their visa limit.
Over the last decade the Government of India has stepped up efforts to bring back such Indian nationals and allow them a fresh start. While the Ministry of External Affairs, through diplomacy and its network of embassies and consulates, has helped secure the release of many such individuals, some tougher negotiations has seen a direct involvement by the prime minister, who, over his three terms so far, has build on a rapport with global leaders far and wide.
The freedom of nearly 10,000 Indian nationals have been secured so far since 2014, a release by the Ministry of External Affairs has said. “The latest instance is the pardon of 500 Indian prisoners in UAE,” the foreign ministry said, adding that “It reflects the strong bilateral ties between India and UAE”.
“Since 2014, the prime minister has prioritised the welfare of Indian citizens abroad, ensuring the safe return of nearly 10,000 Indian nationals imprisoned abroad through diplomatic negotiations and high-level interventions,” the statement read.
It highlighted some key instances where several countries agreed to release or pardon Indian nationals due to diplomatic efforts:
- UNITED ARAB EMIRATES – Between 2022 and 2025, each year UAE has pardoned hundreds of Indian prisoners, including some during the holy month of Ramzan or the festival of Eid. In 2022, UAE released 639 Indian prisoners. In 2023, the count went beyond 700. In 2024 944, and in 2025, it has been 500 so far.
- SAUDI ARABIA – In 2019, during his visit to India, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had ordered the release of 850 Indian prisoners.
- QATAR – In a big diplomatic victory for New Delhi, after much negotiations, including at the highest levels, Qatar agreed to the release of 8 Indian Navy veterans who were facing a death penalty. Most of them were subsequently allowed to return to India.
- IRAN – In 2023 and 2024, Iran released 43 and 77 Indian nationals respectively from its jails. In 2023, out of the 43, 12 were fishermen.
- BAHRAIN – As a gesture of friendship and kindness, the Government of Bahrain decided to release 250 Indians who were in prison in 2019. They were freed during PM Modi’s visit to the country that year.
- KUWAIT – In 2017, after several rounds of talks via diplomatic channels, the Emir of Kuwait agreed to release 22 Indian nationals and reduce the sentences for 97 others.
- SRI LANKA – After regular interventions and mediation via diplomatic channels, Sri Lanka has, on many occasions, released Indian fishermen who accidentally and unknowingly cross into its territorial waters. Since 2014, a total of 3,697 Indian fishermen have been released by Sri Lanka.
- PAKISTAN – Since 2014, after repeated and relentless diplomatic efforts with Islamabad, New Delhi has managed the release of 2,639 fishermen and 71 civilian prisoners.